16 Aug

     Imagine opening the front door of your house and seeing Jesus on the other side, smiling and asking to join you for dinner. Wouldn't that be a sweet surprise? I don't know what I would do first-hug him and invite him inside or burst into tears. 

     Probably both.

     From scripture of course, we know that Jesus ate plenty of meals with plenty of different people, so thinking about Him getting comfy at our kitchen tables isn't exactly a far-fetched idea at all. But we're not just talking about food here. Sure, Jesus went into people's homes to share a meal, but he also went to share The Word. I'm sure there was never a dull moment with Jesus in the room, and believe it or not, we can still have those moments today. He may not be flesh and blood walking among us anymore, but as Christians, Jesus should be in everything that surrounds us, from the breath of air that we breathe to the blood running through our veins. So, how can we invite Him into our homes today and fellowship with Him? Well, keep reading to find out.


     Do you have that one best friend whom you love to talk to? This is usually the person you celebrate with, share all your secrets with, share all your doubts and fears with. Well, what if I told you that you can have this exact same relationship with Jesus? This type of communication with Him is called prayer. Whether we go into a literal prayer closet or we pray in the car on our way to work, prayer is essential for our everyday walk with the Lord.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." (Philippians 4:6)

     So, don't be afraid to talk to God like you do with that best friend. If you're just starting out, it may be a little hard at first and maybe even a bit scary, but you have nothing to fear. God not only listens to you, but He understands and He loves you.


      Some of us own Bibles and some of us don't. For those who don't, I suggest getting one and unpacking that thing. I promise, it's really not as scary as it looks. In fact, this is probably the best book you're ever going to read, and in fact, it's another way for us to invite Jesus to sit at our table.

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3: 16-17)

     God placed this scripture on my heart the other day when I was in the process of putting this website together. And it is so true. The Bible is a perfect outline of how God wants us to live our lives and walk by His commands. Don't ever think that you're wasting your time by picking up this book and reading it, because between the pages are precious hidden jewels for our minds and for our spirits.



     And last but not least, want to have Jesus come into your house and sit at your table? Then try a little praise and worship. Thank Him for who He is and for all He's done for you. Put on a little worship music and dance around your house or inside your car. Who cares if the person in the car next to yours is giving you that weird rolling eyes emoji glare? You're doing it for the Lord! To that person in the other car or that neighbor whose spying on you from her bedroom window, you may look like a crazy lunatic, but to God, you look absolutely radiant and beautiful. He loves it when we give Him our praise, when we get down on our knees and thank Him and worship Him. It's a great honor to Him and does us some good too. Psalm 150:6, says this, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!"

     So, there it is. Three ways that we can all invite Jesus to come into our homes and join us at the table. If you guys have any more ideas, please feel free to share in the comment section below.

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