12 Sep

     Sometimes, it starts when we're little-that need to map out our entire lives before we even turn eighteen years of age. By that time, we may have planned out our future weddings, our future jobs and even know how many kids we want to have. But while these things may all be tangible, it may not necessarily be the road that God want us to travel. Let's face it, our life plans may look very different from the plans that God has for us. Let's explore this a little bit more.


     If you know anything about road trips, then you know about all those little rest stops along the way. Those rest stops are great places to go to the bathroom and stretch your legs, but they are nowhere near where you're supposed to be. These rest stops are only designed as stopping points, but they are not your destination. In the same way, sometimes God has us on this road with many stopping points and we may think one of these stopping points is where we're supposed to be for the rest of our lives, but in reality, they're just buying us a little time before we reach our real destination.

     I had this job, and I was so happy with it at the very beginning that I was like yeah, I can definitely see myself here for the next twenty years. But then things changed, my feelings changed, and I realized as I placed this manner at Jesus' feet, that this job was not my destination in life at all. It was only a stopping point along the road that God has paved out for me.

     We can see this kind of example in the Bible when Moses runs away after killing the Egyptian. He fled to Midian where he settled down and got married. Moses most likely thought at that time that this was his destination in life but in actuality, it was only a stopping point. His destination was going back to Egypt and freeing the Israelites.


     Sometimes, we can clearly see the plans God has for us and it just takes some planning and time and prayer to achieve them. But just because we're in alignment with God doesn't mean that the Devil won't try to distract us. These distractions may come in the form of health issues or problems on the job or even family drama. In Matthew 4:1-11, Satan tries to keep Jesus from the path that God has already laid out for Him.  "After this, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil."  

     But of course, Jesus could not be moved, and the plans that God had prepared for Him was securely locked into place when He defeated the enemy and won.


     In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:6)

     The Lord's plans for our lives are just and true. To achieve the things He has for us, we need to trust him and believe that He will do everything that He says He will do. If Abraham had never trusted God in his old age, he would never have become the Father of all nations. So don't be discouraged. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Seek Him about your path and put your trust in him always and He will never let you down.

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